in·ter·twine ...
this post is for e2d ...
the world is full of signals that we don't perceive. tiny creatures live in a different world of unfamiliar forces. many organism of our scale greatly exceed our range of perception for sensations familiar to us. what an imperceptive lot we are. surrounded by so much, so fascinating and so real, that we do not see (hear, smell, touch, taste) in nature, yet so gullible and so seduced by claims for novel power that we mistake the tricks of mediocre magicians for glimpses of a psychic world beyond our ken. the paranormal may be a fantasy; it is certainly a haven for charlatans. but “parahuman” powers of perception lie all about us in birds, bees, twiners and bacteria.
- altered words
Ah ! 10 PM suresh, just saw your comment in my blog, wanted to check, there you are back again.
Good to see you Suresh.
trying to know the unknowable like future, stems out of insecurity Suresh, even the most educated or enlightened fall in to this trap.
They can stand on their own feet but the mind needs support, they lean on a belief.
lots of love to you and Malini.
Hey..thanx Suresh...:)
But why is this post for me? I am not sure I understand the picture or the title or the msg. All too metaphorical for me or is it not supposed to be metaphorical? Wow! Confused!
But anyways..wonder if u are trying to tell me that I wouldn’t be as bored and restless as I claim to be if I were a little more perceptive of my surroundings (definitely not as much as the birds, bees....); that nature has enough to offer to be enjoyed and keep me occupied. I make a lousy interpreter so help me out willya :)
And guess what necessity (the mother) and boredom (the father) conceived? - Curiosity!... other words, I sought and found Panda's Thumb by Gould. Read Natural Attraction and flipped through a couple of other chapters. Reads more like a book of philosophy than a book of natural history and hard to understand as well :)
So, U-turning to the post.. I am still unclear. Please help me decipher the post..unless u rather leave it a mystery.
the world would have been much much better, if we were more more perceptive. not lots. just a little. nice allegory :) .
rauf, i agree with your comment.
e2d, its a post and it has got no interwined meaning between you and the post. indeed its from stephen j gould's 'panda's thumb' ... there is no mystery but a reminder that there's more to what you see ...
hey simi, the universe is in a constant need to evolve, betterment is in co-evolving.
hi wildpic, me hopping to here from rauf's site. Nice blog you have here. I like your style of composing pictures. Please stop by my blog when you get a chance. Take care. -ari.
P.S: I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Please be strong.
Hi ya! Beautiful photos recommended blog from Rauf. Nice to "meet" you! I linked your blog to mine...
(A few fellow bloggers and i are experiemnteing with posting "20 comments" on other peoples blogs to see how it goes. So maybe you will get some more company...)
i am afraid i often take what is given at its face value.
i like the picture, it has a very simple eloquence.
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