Saturday, May 22, 2010

kind of feynman's meaning ...

chlorophyll is the molecule responsible for photosynthesis in bacteria & plants that allows to capture the sun's energy, and responsible for plant's green color.
the chloroplast with which plants make food for themselves is actually a cyanobacterium living within the plant's cells.
proteins in bacteria & humans have the very same molecular structures.
so close to life is life, the universality of the deep chemistry of living things is indeed a fantastic and beautiful thing, the same time we humans have been too proud even to recognize our kinship with the animals.
the world is a spinning ball, and people are held on it on all sides, some of them upside down and we turn like a spit in front of a great fire, we whirl around the sun, that is more romantic, more exciting, some 'force' keeps the earth round, holds the sun together and keeps us running (falling) around the sun in our perpetual attempt to (safely) stay away.
it looks as if life was belched from some exploding star, much as some of the stars that are exploding right now, so this piece of dirt waits four and a half billion years and evolves and changes, and now a strange creature stands here with instruments and talks ...
... and, again, it has been discovered that all the world is made of the same atoms, that the stars are of the same stuff as ourselves, it then becomes a question of where all of this stuff came from ?... "what a wonderful world" the imagination of nature is far far greater than the imagination of man.
freedom to doubt is a way-too-important matter in the sciences, it was a struggle to be permitted to doubt, to be unsure... then I think we must frankly admit that we do not know ...


Blogger rauf said...

i think the most frequent answer i give is 'i don't know'

oh no Sureh, i am actually ashamed of being a human, monkey is my boss. If you look at a donkey for a minute you'll know how serious they are. They look a lot wiser than us. And we have the audacity to save our planet, we do not know how small we are and we are no different from what we see in the sky. Humans are the only species intoxicated or under some delusions. We have been too good in creating myths. Belief in myths is more powerful than nuclear explosions and more damaging.

Life begins with green algae and cyano bacteria. All it takes is a drop of water, or a bit of moisture in the air. Availability of water seems to be most crucial.

5:27 PM  
Blogger wildpic said...

hi rauf ... the whole writeup is a brief extract from the book - "The Meaning of it All" by Richard P. Feynman.

i completely agree with you, the donkey definitely looks more sincere, serious and wiser than 'most' humans.

indeed, myths have created some devastating consequences in human evolution ... hence 'i/we' have real problems with 'my/our' perception and intuition ... which is all that one can rely upon ... thus, insanity seems less strange than reality ...

water is the most crucial to life as we know it.

8:41 PM  
Blogger rauf said...

Mala asked me to read Feynman, she has the same book, forgot to pick it up Suresh. Yet to read the first chapter of walden, its too long

9:28 PM  
Blogger rauf said...

this is how we differ from the animals Suresh

we have created many activities like yoga, meditation.. we actually train our brains to malfunction systematically.

ideology is a mental disease, Belief in a myth also is a malfunction of the brain and so is religion. Before we reach 30 our brains are already messed up. We lose clarity of thought.

except for over fed domestic pets, by default all animals are slim and stick to the design. They don't bloat like humans.
i have not seen a jogging monkey with an iPod Suresh.

5:09 AM  
Blogger wildpic said...

rauf ... indeed indeed ...
reality is not the truth !
since belief creates reality and belief is created by perception and perception is based on state of mind ... which is never ever the same anytime for anyone ... so ... so ...

rauf, i need to write a separate post on truth and reality and how surprisingly "free" we are ... yes "scarily free" we are ...

dont bother to read feynmans book on "meaning of it all" to start off what an absurd title it is ... if you have read the post " kind of feynman's meaning ..." you have done the deed. let me know what you think of walden's sense.
right now am reading "the carnal prayer mat" ... damn good going so far ...

p.s. humanity has gone mad, so mad that i dont need TV ...

7:25 PM  

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