primordial soup ...

a few facts give insight into the conditions in which life may have emerged, but the mechanisms by which non-life became life are still elusive.
historical radius of the spherical universe we can observe, is about 78 billion light years. we cannot observe anything outside that sphere, as information from it would have taken longer to reach us than the life of the universe ! the universe, which includes time, space, and everything in it, begins with the big bang 13.7 ± 0.2 billion years ago.
nonlinear dynamic systems under certain conditions exhibit a phenomenon known as chaos, typically refers to unpredictability which are very sensitive to its initial conditions. in the metaphysical sense, it is the opposite, unrestrictive, both creative and destructive.
abiogenesis, is the generation of life from non-living matter. on earth, all lifeforms are based on carbon compounds, such as CH4 (methane) C2H6 (ethane), early earth environment had no free oxygen for use by lifeforms. the hypothesis that primitive life may have originally formed extraterrestrially doesnt answer anything, how did it arise there ? the emergence of oxygenic-photosynthesis life happened around 3 billion years ago, in the last billion years simple multicellular plants and animals began to appear in water.
probably all of the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed. the species we see today are but the smallest part of what blind destiny has produced, all living species of today are related to each other through common descent, products of evolution and speciation over billions of years.
human DNA sequences are approximately 6.6% divergent from those of their nearest genetic relative the baboons, 1.6% from gorillas , and 1.2% from chimpanzee, 0.1 % between you and me.
"into which life was first breathed" how am i supposed to take this? you sound christian, and yet you believe in evolution? this just blows my mind. everyone knows god doesnt work this way. theres a rational plan for everything. or did you not read this blog: ?
merry christmas,
And that is some thick looking soup too! :)
Cool looking shot, and love the richness of the greens!!
Mr. Israel, your faith is just over 2000 years old which is actually less than blink of an eye
Please wake up and drink some water. The rim of your tumbler contained billions of bacteria, and please don't ask me about the water you drink.
If you mix faith with science you have a problem
Suresh, who can claim he or she is a sworn vegetarian ?
nature always blows my mind heathen, when our logic and scientific reduction comes to a dead end, we tend to speculate, philosophise and dream of dreams !
not because our mind is incapacitated but i think its purely a matter of time before a rational, logical argument can be put across about the origin of life and how it breathed. just like how science has shattered most of our past understanding of things. we cannot disagree on most of darwins theory such as which species came after which and why, taking it backwards i cant blame his conclusions.
the whole idea of "intelligent design" "superior being governing" can give us a lot of security over the fear of chaos and random order, strange attractors etc but ... intelligent design plays dice all the time, makes enormous amounts of mistakes before somethings work. chance is its fuel.
am the worst kind heathan, i honestly dont know how real is reality, then ... how it works. i take comfort in linear thought, since i can go back n forth without jumping and missing my lead.
at the end convenience always rules ! ... we have the choice to beleive what comforts us the best.
merry christmas and wish u a wonderfull season !
p.s. my limitation is my reason to live.
life is broadly divided in two periods .. invisible and visible life
thanks mbrown ... indeed ... its thick, so thick i wont step inside ;) ...
rauf ... first of all, we have to take the trouble of imagining that innanimate is what all animates are made of. also all innanimates are animate at some level.
this gives us a clear picture, that distinctions are meant for our survival skills ... not to pursue a complete understanding of everything. the absence of the question is the answer in some sense.
the question of time, space and above all the origin of things are meaningless if one wont settle till one reaches the very end. there can be no end ... because something precedes something always.
also my p4 cant predict global weather, not even cray n suff. sometimes one loads the wrong videogame with a 512 mb and just freeze for dear life.
the whole issue of veg/ non-veg shows us how far we are behind in understanding biology and chemistry, if one does not want to harm any living, reacting bunch of complex molecules then one has to stop breathing. i greatly respect people who say i dont like the taste of it.
i can imagine such a distinction, what we know with our senses and what we dont know. the unknown, immaterialised always has a higher potential. just like the unborn child is more intelligent than the born.
Hmmm... As a cosmic nerd, I greatly appreciate the wandering speculations of your mind and your calm amassing of spectacular fact.
I sometimes take the view that all is the Source, the Great Mystery embodying. There is no need then to divide the universe into life and nonlife and then to query how life arose from matter.
Everything is life embodying.
Thank you for your continuously opening mind.
welcome mr george breed ...i agree on the undivided, and the unsaid incorporated, but upon agreeing we feel quiet left out in the making of the universe, a huge empty dark space created upon elimination ... which is intimidating to our duality based judgement.
but there is tremondous empty freedom ... humbling and unconditional !
thank you for your comment ...
Merry Christmas wildpic(Suresh)!!!
All I know is the objective of life cannot be 'making sense of it all'. So why attempt it.
hi chinna ...
"it is better complex conjugation,
then to have constant acceleration"
merry christmas patty !!! hope u havin a fab holiday ! cheers !
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