my relatives in seychelles ...

Lynch, 1973, In Vial (ed.), Evol. Biol. Anurans, : 133-182, suggested that the Sooglossidae was the sister-taxon of the Myobatrachinae; Savage, 1973, In Vial (ed.), Evol. Biol. Anurans, , considered them to have affinities with the ranoids, but because Lynch considered the Myobatrachinae and Sooglossidae to be cladistically closer to ranoids than to other bufonoids these statements are not necessarily in conflict. See Nussbaum, 1980, Herpetologica, 36: 1-5, Bogart and Tandy, 1981, Monit. Zool. Ital., N.S., Suppl., 15: 55-91; and Tyler, 1985, Herpetologica, 41: 173-176, for discussion of phylogenetic placement and review of systematic literature. Nussbaum, Jaslow, and Watson, 1982, J. Herpetol., 16: 198-203, and Green, Nussbaum, and Yang, 1988, Herpetologica, 44: 113-119, discussed phylogeny within this taxon and implied that Sooglossus is paraphyletic with respect to Nesomantis.
" it is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of life dawns on you "
HaHaHa...relatives, that's funny. You have the neatest pictures. I enjoy your blog.
hi jill ... yes ... their closest relatives sooglossus live in seychelles, but am sure far relatives live everywhere !
thanks for checkin on my friends n havin fun ! enjoy !
amazing..and awesome!!It looks like its been around for a while now..u know what I mean.Like survived the ice age or something.
It also reminds me of Jabba from star wars(the dreadful gangster who hates Capt Hans Solo).:)
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