bufo camo ...

frogs and toads comprise the order anura. there are about 3,500 known species of frogs and 400 kinds of toads, still plenty being discovered every day. they are found on every continent except antarctica. they are very sensitive to climate change, thus called as an indicator species and their population is declining rapidly. the word "frog" can be used to describe all stout bodied amphibians, smooth and moist skinned, that have long hind limbs for leaping.
a toad is used to identify members of the genus bufo as well as frogs of similar body form. these amphibians have dryer, lumpier skin, broader body, weaker hind limbs than other frogs and spend less time in the water. the genus bufo embraces atleast 250 species, toads have a pair of parotoid glands located on the top of their heads, these glands produce a poison that can make people ill or cause eye irritation. some have poison glands that oozes onto their skin.
when a frog or toad swallows a meal, his bulgy eyeballs will close and go down into his head, this is because the eyeballs apply pressure and actually push a frog's meal down his throat ! longest lifespan entered by a toad was a european common toad at 40 years !
Owee I forgot the amphibian properties, useless or useful, they are a part of the network, for me the biggest contribution of the frogs is that they ispired Ferdinand Porsche to design his car.
indeed rauf, its not some joke when scientists say that we are part of an evolutionary chain, we are only as strong as our weakest link. the failure of the chain is not visible immediately but slowly cascades down into chaos.
when tigers and leapords grow old and cant hunt, frogs are a major food source !
dint know porsche was inspired by a frog ! wonder what he would have done if he had seen a flying frog ! in my next post !!
this guy is perfectly camoflauged against the tree. nice pic.
thanks chinna, to be unobtrusive in ones environment gives tremendous advantage. including us !
oh yes ayse ... the eyeballs do push the meal down ... see, am a novice when it comes to all the details of natural reality, cos not much facts are available, if i had learnt all of these in school ... my life would have been different for sure ... its good for school and yes the eyeballs do push the meal down ...
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