Monday, March 08, 2010

no thing as a species ...

"let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind . . and the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind." - genesis 1:11-12.

do distinct species change into other distinct species ?
natural selection and mutations, which scientifically prove that cross-species changeovers cannot happen. scientists tell us that no one really knows how any species originated.
charles darwin wrote a book, entitled "origin of the species" ... but he said not one word in it about how life forms first began. In addition, in his book he gave no explanation of how a new species could originate by one species changing into another. he did say that "natural selection" could do it, but in later years he repudiated the idea. with this empty background, what do evolutionists mean by the term "species evolution" ?
If one species cannot change into another, then there is no evolution of life forms. yet even darwin admitted that such changes never occurred, and thus quoted "not one change of species into another is on record . . we cannot prove that a single species has been changed."
ok... to make things lighter ... we all know that one day when isaac newton was drinking tea in the garden, he saw an apple fall to the ground. he started thinking about why it fell, and finally concluded that the same force which caused the apple to fall also kept the moon in orbit around the earth. this same force, gravity, also kept the planets in orbit around the sun ... but ... he missed the point to explain how the apple got up there in the first place ? ...


Blogger PJ van Zyl said...

great post
enjoyed the photo and the read

10:29 AM  
Blogger rauf said...

There was invisible life in the first half of 4.5 billion years Suresh. That is a lot of time to decide. It did not happen in ten years. How the worms got in to my water tank is my worry Suresh. Washing it is not enough. You have to wash and dry the tank. How the worm got in to the apple. Moisture makes life, just a drop. Availability of moisture can decide which way the species goes Some bacteria decided to become mango some decided to be an apple. And some decided to be me. It took millions of years.
Its a good subject to think. i don't agree with both Darwin and Dawkins on many issues Suresh.

6:25 PM  
Blogger wildpic said...

hi pete ... thanks !
will meet u at your bog.

cheers !

10:58 AM  
Blogger wildpic said...

hi rauff ... i do agree that there should have been 'invisible life' much before any 'visible life' appeared ...
all the while we thought that all life forms are carbon based but recently science has discovered silicon based life forms, around the thermal vents deep in the ocean ...
out 'ideas' and 'imagination' are so limited to comprehend life. period. classification is the compulsion of the confirmists !
everything started from nothing is a truth with a very long shelf life.
the worms in your tank comes with the water, cleaning the tank is only a control measure ...
i recently found the works of sir jagadish chandra bose, personally his comprehension is of a greater 'value' than that of einstein ...

11:12 AM  
Blogger e2d said...

Very interesting post wildpic!

This is sheer coincidence but we were discussing the value of indegenous knowledge in class and prof mentioned evolution and how 25% of the population (US) do not believe in evolution. The reason being- they believe in the bible and that life is only about 6-7000 years old coinciding with the birth of Adam.

So I heard this and read your post all in one day. The contrast simply tooo much!:)

The apple fell and someone figured out gravity.How the apple got on the we need to know that?

the idea of "invisible life" and "everything started from nothing" sounds good to me.I dont want to know anymore or maybe I am just tired.

Hope life is good.

1:14 PM  
Blogger wildpic said...

hi e2d ... thanks, life is good !
this whole universe as we know it is only made up of thoughts.
to walk alone is the greatest exercise ... take a walk and decide what we need to know and more importantly what we dont need to know.

cheers !

11:29 AM  
Blogger Gwen Buchanan said...

Life... a mystery.. many things our human brains cannot fathom yet or probably never will..... I think that changes happened through evolution by the combination and happenstance and many, many,many years of time to do it...

Wildpic, I like all this thinking.. thinking and wondering is good!!

the best to you, gwen

ps. hi rauf!

6:33 PM  
Blogger wildpic said...

hi gwen ... life is fantastic due to its mystery's ...
thank god ... life is strange !

cheers !

12:56 PM  

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